Table of Contents
Project status
- Development was stopped in 2015 but you still get support at FoobarSync discussion thread on Hydrogenaudio Forums
- April 2022 the script still is fully compatible with Foobar2000 (tested with Version V1.6.10)
Main features of FoobarSync
Individual (per target/device):
- unidirectional delta-synchonization of Medialibrary and/or playlist items (Foobar2000 -> multiple targets)
- selection of items/playlists to sync, based tags and regular expressions
- File/Folderlayout based on Foobars TitleFormat-Language
- copy, conversion, codec selection based on tags and rules
- deletion of ophaned files
- limits based on total size, free space, max files
- multiple search&replaces
- nearly all codecs and container formats based on FFmpeg supported
- statistics and preview
- Command line interface (no GUI for now! Contact me if you like to design one).

What it does
FoobarSync is an command line driven VBscript which will synchonize parts from your foobar2000 Medialibrary and Playlists to one or more targets in a very flexible way.Lets say you have a USB-Stick for your car entertainment system plus an Android device. Sure you want to have some music in your car and on your Android. But your car only accepts MP3 and needs a special folder-layout while your Android device plays many formats, but you want to save space and therefore want lower bitrates. And at least you want to have different albums and playlists in your car then on your Android. FoobarSync will help you to meet those demands plus more.
FoobarSync will get a subset of items from your Medialibrary AND your playlists, defined by a search-query and other rules. The selected items can be defined per target (one configuration file per target). This configuration file is stored in the root folder of the target. When synchronizing each item is checked against the defined rule sets and then a) copied to the target or b) converted to the target. If your subset (choosen items) in foobar2000 changes, these changes will get synchonized as soon as you rerun FoobarSync.
Follow this steps to install, understand and customize FoobarSync:
1. getting started tutorial
2. FoobarSync synchronization phases - will help you to understand whats happening when script is run
3. command line usage - essential knowledge needed to start a synchronization
4. configuration files customization - make FoobarSync match your targets' needs
5. TaggerPanel tutorial - Customize foobar2000 and select / deselect items with comfort
5. Toubleshooting - If things go wrong
5. Album List tutorial - create a Album List which shows the selected items per target as tree view
5. tips & tricks - autosync for USB-targets, FFmpeg, FFprobe
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. getting started tutorial
2. FoobarSync synchronization phases - will help you to understand whats happening when script is run
3. command line usage - essential knowledge needed to start a synchronization
4. configuration files customization - make FoobarSync match your targets' needs
5. TaggerPanel tutorial - Customize foobar2000 and select / deselect items with comfort
5. Toubleshooting - If things go wrong
5. Album List tutorial - create a Album List which shows the selected items per target as tree view
5. tips & tricks - autosync for USB-targets, FFmpeg, FFprobe
5. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Download mirrors
- latest stable, previous versions, changelog, pending changes
- 3rd party downloads (FFMPEG, Tagger Panel, etc.) are also provided
Feedback and Discussion Forum
License / Contribute
FoobarSync is Open Source (MIT).If you like to contribute in this project let me know. It would be nice if someone likes to maintain this wiki (my English isn't the best).