Revision history for PendingChanges

Revision [822]

Last edited on 2015-05-03 12:41:31 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.8]
- output statistics to XLS (XLS-template + linked html data)
- Implement "playlist-dead-item-resurrection" :-? -> seems impossible!
- Save playlists in queue-file or array?
- Implement console for exploration of statistics
- Implement m3u-rename to avoid rebuild @ tasks=t or abort.
- Implement "playlist-dead-item-resurrection" :-?

Revision [810]

Edited on 2015-04-24 21:48:24 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.8]
- Save playlists in queue-file or array?
- Use sorted gettracks()
- Consider MLSyncTargetDir to be an array (and control selection of MLSyncTargetDir by SyncRules)
- Implement "playlist-dead-item-resurrection" :-?
sortet by probability that I will do it.
- Phase 6: ... If you did use option 't' in parameter tasks, the script will remove the flag-files and all empty folders ...
- Think about nested Playlist-Dir. Is it a problem?
- Implement ""ExtM3uTitleFormat""
- Implement M3UnameReplace ?
- Implement ""MaxSizeOnTarget""
- Consider MLSyncTargetDir to an array (
- Improve WSH ftype / assocc
- Tutorial for execute ID on dbl-click

Revision [754]

Edited on 2015-04-18 10:59:31 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.5]
As software developing never really ends, I've made a list of pending changes and features I am thinking of.
- Phase 6: ... If you did use option 't' in parameter tasks, the script will remove the flag-files and all empty folders ...
- Think about nested Playlist-Dir. Is it a problem?
- Need to handle priority P/M if space is too low and user ignores warning.
- Implement M3UnameReplace ?
- Implement ""MaxSizeOnTarget""
- Check if playlist-items are already part of medialibrary-sync. Use them in m3u, if so.
- Align path of **source** files as feature? ... mmmh. Could be used for unify source paths (Problem: Playlists!)
- Consider MLSyncTargetDir to an array (
- Improve WSH ftype / assocc
- Tutorial for execute ID on dbl-click
- Tutorial for Sync-Button in foobar
As software developing never really ends, I've made a list of pending changes and features I still have to do.
- Need to handle priority P/M if space to low
- Check if playlist elements are in medialibrary-part existing and use them in m3u if so.
- Align path of **source** files as feature? ... mmmh.
- Screenshot or logo for HomePage
- Tutorial Album List

Revision [632]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2015-04-11 13:12:44 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.5]
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