Revision history for Linux

Revision [668]

Last edited on 2015-04-12 12:16:03 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.8]
may need some workaround to get synchronized.
**This problem does NOT exists with Windows-shares! (Windows <> Windows).**
Even if the partition on the target is FAT/FAT32/FATx formated, synchronisation will MOSTLY not work in the way expected, as long as the operating system is not Windows. You may notice, that every time you sync, all items are copied / converted, even if they exist on the target. This happens because ""FoobarSync"" deals with the Windows file attribute A (archiv), which is NOT known to Linux/Unix/Android! Because ""FoobarSync"" does not run on any other OS than Windows, you will force this problem only when synchronizing indirectly to the target via a Network-Share (Samba) or **{{color text="when the target is connectet via USB (example: Android Phone plugged into Windows PC via USB-Cable. <<-- Can anyone test that and give me a feedback please???)" c="red"}}** I have not found any samaba app for my android cell phone, which is able to handle.
- First synchonize to a folder on your Windows machine, afterwards use Windows built-in synchronzation (or any 3rd-Party-Tool).
- Try other ways to access the target **{{color text="(connectet via USB if possible (example: Android Phone plugged into Windows PC via USB-Cable. Can anyone test that and give me a feedback please???)" c="red"}}**
- If media is removable, use a SD-Card reader or similar device and connect the storage to your Windows-PC
=====Converting paths in M3u-Playlists=====
Make sure to read //""PLregExRepl""// in section [[IDfile|configuration files]] to learn how to convert Windows paths inside m3u-files into linux paths.
are not directly supportet because they usually have another file system. Even if the partition on the target is FAT/FAT32/FATx formated, synchronisation will MOSTLY not work via a samba-share. This is because samba needs to deal with the Windows file attribute A (archiv) which is NOT known to Linux/Unix/Android! I have not found any samaba app for my android cell phone, which is able to handle. This problem does NOT exists with Windows-shares! (Windows <> Windows).
=====How ""FoobarSync"" will work with Android / Linux / Unix Targets:=====
1) First synchonize to a directory on your Windows machine, useing ""FoobarSync"" and
1) afterwards use some other software to synchronzie this target folder to your device via samba.
Alternatively: Use a SD-Card reader if samba is the only problem.
See also //""PLregExRepl""// in section [[IDfile|configuration files]] to learn how to convert Windows paths inside m3u-files into linux paths.

Revision [277]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2015-03-31 19:46:53 by AdminUser [Version 0.9.8]
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