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======Command line interface======
is needed to start a syncronization. It is the first thing that gives you control over the process itself.

As ""FoobarSync"" is a //Visual Basic Script//, your PC needs to have //Windows Scripting Host// installed ([[WSH]]). To run ""FoobarSync"", you must add ''cscript'' as prefix to your command line.

=====Exit Code=====
The script will pass an exit code (also called errorlevel or error code) with the value ''1'' back to the command prompt, if there was an error. The script then ends in a controled way. Someone will find that useful for futher automation with other tools. But if there are errors which make the interpreter abort the script (messed configuration file, bugs in my code), the exit code will be 0.

=====""FoobarSync"" General Syntax=====

**""CSCRIPT.EXE SYNC.VBS [tasks=[m|p|t|q|r]] [RunID=[file|folder]] [help] [nopause] [nowarnings] [Debuglevel=1-5]""**

====Parameters & Options====

- **m** - sync Medialibrary
- **p** - sync Playlists
- **t** - does analytics only -> this is for **T**ESTING
- **q** - skip search & remove of ophaned items/folders
- **r** - scan from drive D: to Z: and processes any //*.id// file found in root folder.

- **file** - you can provide the complete path to __one specific configuration file__ that you want to run.
Example: ''cscript tasks=mp runid="s:\my test target\"''
- **path** - you can provide a drive/folder only. This path will get searched for //*.id// files. Any found configuration file will get processed.
Please note you can __not__ use any wildcards with //runid// !
Examples: ''cscript tasks=mp runid="s:\folder"''

- If present on command line, ""FoobarSync"" will not pause, when analysis is done.

- If present on command line, ""FoobarSync"" will not warn you / pause for following situations:
- ""PLSyncBaseDir"" and/or ""MLSyncBaseDir"" point to the root-folder on the target.

- **1** - is default. Only most important information, errors, warnings and statistics are shown.
- **2** - outputs some more stuff like files that will get synchronized.
- **3** - is like my wife calls her girl friend... blablabla...
- **4** - is impressive to watch
- **5** - is ... well ... take a look.

Will show the help / command line syntax. Surpise, surprise! You should see:
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut0Image1.png"}}::c::

- Check out the other Pages, that belong to the wiki-category [[Documentation]] !
- Ask and discuss at the [[|FoobarSync discussion thread on Hydrogenaudio Forums]]
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