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======Getting startet tutorial======

<<{{{toc title="Table of Contents" levels="h2,h3,h4,h5"}}}<<::c::

=====Get it running=====
Here is a step-by-step tutorial, helping you to get ""FoobarSync"" installed and running.

====Check requirements====
- Windows PC (XP or above
tested with Windows XP, 7, 10 (32/64 bit)
- Windows Scripting Host
- ""foobar2000"" 0.9 or higher
- COM Automation Server (foo_comserver2, [[Download|download]])
- ""FoobarSync"" latest stable version, ([[Download|download]])
- ""FFmpeg"" binaries ([[Download|download]])
- an empty ""USB-Stick""

====Check if WSH is installed====
- open a command prompt and run following command
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut1Image1.png"}}::c::

If you get an error like "//unknown command//", //Windows Scripting Host// is not installed on your PC - read on [[WSH|here]].

====Install COM Automation Server====
1) downloaded installation file and run the EXE.
1) just complete the installation wizard.

====Copy needed files====
1) open the downloaded ZIP-file that contains latest stable ""FoobarSync""
- extract //sync.vbs// into the same folder as ""foobar2000"".exe
- extract // into the root of your empty USB-Stick
1) open the downloaded ZIP-file that contains ""FFmpeg binaries""
- extract //ffmpeg.exe// and //ffprobe.exe// into the same folder as ""foobar2000"".exe

====""Select items in foobar2000""====
1) start ""foobar2000""
1) prepare some items in your Medialibrary to sync:
- select __one single__ album of your choice for this test
- open Masstagger and //add a new field// named ''""SyncFlag""'' with single value ''""Target1""''
- apply/OK will save the changes to your Medialibrary.
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut1Image13.png"}}::c::
1) Prepare a playlist for sync:
- create a new playlist in ""foobar2000"" named ''""FoobarSync Tutorial""''
- drag'n'drop **one** __other__ album of your choice in this playlist

====Run your first analysis (without sync)====
1) open / switch back to command prompt and navigate to the location fo ""foobar2000"".exe
1) run ''cscript sync.vbs tasks=mptr''. You should see following output:
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut1Image0.png"}}::c::

Open windows explorer and take a look at your stick. Explore the folders on your stick to see __how it will__ look like - but you specified 't' in paramater Tasks and therefore no synchronization will happen when you continue.
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut1Image2.png"}}::c::

====Run your first sync====
1) open / switch back to command prompt and navigate to the location fo foobar2000.exe
1) run ''cscript sync.vbs tasks=mpr'' (now it's no test)
{{image class="left" alt="Tutorial Screenshot" url="/wikka/uploads/AdminFiles/Tut1Image3.png"}}::c::

=====Modify configuration file=====
- open // with a text editor (notepad.exe will do)
These configuration files should be located in the root of each of your targets. They hold all important information. You maybe want to take a look in section [[IDfile|configuration file]] and try some first modifications to the //

**Now it's a good time to add some comfort to your ""foobar2000-installation"".
[[TaggerPanel|Follow the TaggerPanel Tutorial]] any enjoy to select and deselect items for your targets with a single click.

- Check out the other Pages, that belong to the wiki-category [[Documentation]] !
- Ask and discuss at the [[|FoobarSync discussion thread on Hydrogenaudio Forums]]
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