======Frequently Asked Questions====== |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}Files and folders appear unsorted on my player / car navigation.|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||Some older devices don't sort but read files as they come from the filesystem. Maybe I will implement file/folder-sorting later. For the meantime use ""FolderSort v1.1"" ([[Download|download here]]). It does the job from Windows NT up to ""Windows7"" (beyond may work. Please report, didn't test it). **Does somebody know another command line tool for folder sorting ???**|| |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}Some items get synchronized every time I run ""FoobarSync"", but I changed nothing!|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||There are three possible reasons for that: 1. Some files have the wrong length in their header: For MP3 try //foobar2000// -> //right-click// -> //Utilities //-> //Fix MP3 VBR header //and/or //Rebuild MP3 stream//. 2. The corresponding ConvertFormats section in your configuration file has a wrong bitrate information (Parameter 4), while bitrate estimation is used. 3. The target format is quality based, so a size estimation on average bitrate is not possible: Use _suffix or FFprobe (Parameter 5).|| |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}What about Unicode characters?|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||Unicode should work! Let me know if not. I didn't test.|| |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}Can you implement feature X ?|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||Depends on the benefit of the feature. Post your request in the [[http://www.hydrogenaud.io/forums/index.php?showtopic=108834|FoobarSync thread on Hydrogenaudio Forums]] for discussion.|| |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}Why the CPU usage is so high? Even after sync?|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||Maybe you have set ""MaxFFMPEGThreads"" to high. And: Conversion will continue in background even is FoobarSync has ended (until the last conversion-threads ended).|| |=|(s:vertical-align:top)Q:|=|{text-align:left}What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?|| ||(s:vertical-align:top)A:||42 as you can [[https://www.google.de/search?q=answer+to+life,+the+universe+and+everything|google]] by yourself...|| ---- - Check out the other Pages, that belong to the wiki-category [[Documentation]] ! - Ask and discuss at the [[http://www.hydrogenaud.io/forums/index.php?showtopic=108834|FoobarSync discussion thread on Hydrogenaudio Forums]]